How Are You, Really?
On the outside, it can seem like you have it all together. As the days fly by, you are able to hold your head above water and get lots done. Family members, co-workers and friends all look up to you and know they can depend on you. But a search for something more, a deeper meaning and purpose to life, is keeping you up at night. On the inside, your emotions are closing in and you feel like a beautiful mess.
In your quiet times, are you asking yourself questions like this… Isn’t there more to life than this? How can all my plans and dreams come together to honor God and serve others? Am I managing my time well? What is next for me to learn? Who will teach me?
The pressure to lead and live well can be a heavy burden to carry. Take a deep breath and let it all out. Close your eyes. Envision your life’s path, lit up by God’s promises, your goals and dreams. Imagine if you had a sister just ahead on the path to guide you from a lifetime of seeking into the fulfillment of all you see. Picture yourself thriving in whole health (body, mind and spirit), moving and breathing and creating with ease, living in Christlikeness. Soak in these images, activating all your senses. Then open your eyes. Let’s begin.
Your Next Steps – Choose Your Own Adventure

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Where this all began
November 1, 2017. Such an emotional and significant day for me. This was the day I woke up to a new destiny. Just a few days before, I had drawn a line in the sand and had given up sugar, again.
{My original retreat into health and wellness began in 2010 when I traded in my Mt. Dews and Cokes for water and started using the powerful combination of prayer and essential oils for just about everything. During the years that followed I took slow steps toward health and wholeness. God asked me if I wanted to be well and I slowly said yes in every area of my life. An enemy had come in the form of mystery illness after mystery illness to kill, steal and destroy me. But, Jesus came so that I could have life – not mere survival – but to have it abundantly. So I grabbed his hand and we started making progress. Did I mention it was slow?}
Back to late October 2017. After a farewell tour of sorts, binge-eating non-foods and giving my sugar-addicted inner sweetheart whatever she (thought she) wanted for a full year, I really quit. And then on October 31, I went through withdrawal. Instead of trick-or-treating with my family, I was in bed with a fever, nausea and the shakes. But when I woke up on November 1 the worst was over and I chose to keep going, taking one step, one day at a time.
Forming new habits wasn’t easy. Recovering from eczema all over the left side of my body was painful. The battlefield in my mind was raging. This went on for months. But God is so faithful.
I was given strength moment by moment as I received prayer from my small group, family and friends. I leaned hard into my spiritual formation practices, success principles and healthy habits. I used the knowledge of essential oils and other natural remedies that I had come to know and trust.
Then he brought new friends into my life who taught me even more amazing tools and helped me overcome my fear of fruit. {Yes, this is a thing.}
Was I perfect at this new life? Nope. But I kept choosing in and kept making progress. Am I perfect today? Nope. But I keep choosing in and keep making progress.
In the end, which is actually a glorious beginning, I emerge daily as a new creation. I am focused on all things body-mind-spirit wellness; I love my life and that I have the energy to live it to the full; and I am excited to share all I know with anyone who wants to learn.
This is what joy looks like. This is what abundance looks like. This is what transformation looks like. This is what healing looks like. The kind that goes all the way into your soul and then shines back out for the world to see. And I will be forever grateful.